
Sunday, 17 August 2008

In response to recent comments...

Thanks to everyone who has read Jesse and taken the time to leave their thoughts! To answer a few questions... Yes, I am trying to have my book published, but it might not happen (I can't afford to pay for it myself, and even if I could my pride wouldn't let me, but traditional publishing is only a dream at this point). No, I don't think I will post Jesse on any other web sites (I'm technically challenged and I like retaining some kind of control over my story). And yes, I am working on a second novel... but the going is slow. Completion has been pushed back another year, though it's killing me a little inside. I have this amazing vision inside my head and I want so badly to get it out, to see it in black and white, but for some reason it's fighting me the whole way. Don't worry, though, it'll come. I want to tell this story even more than I wanted to finish the first one.

In the meantime, if anyone out there has any friends in publishing...


Anonymous said...

I thoroughly enjoyed Jesse's story, and admired your bravery on writing about such a touchy subject. I did notice a few editing problems, but know that if your dream is to really see this published, they will be properly fixed.
my dad has a publisher friend, and so does my aunt, however, you might check with the Steeple Hill people, they're always looking for good, inspirational stories.
I do want to ask - how old are you? I want to write and don't see the end in sight, but never thought about just posting the story on the web. thanks for leading the way!
I pray that God blesses your stories to bring others to Him. Thank you for allowing Him to use you. God bless!

Corin Gillis said...

Thanks for reading and leaving a comment!
Yes, I know, there are a lot of problems that need to be fixed. I finished Jesse 2 years ago and have been going over it since. My current draft is very different and I'm now working on "final" (hopefully!) edits and then thinking of approaching some publishers or entering writing contests. I tried a couple when I finished the first draft and it can be very discouraging! Posting it on the web has helped me, if only by reading the comments left here and finding that some people are actually enjoying what I've written. I'm no closer to publishing, but it's a bit of a confidence booster and I will definitely need that if I'm going to put myself through another round of rejection!
As for my age... I cringe to say this... but I'm 25. Not that I'm worried about getting older, but I was 17 when I started writing Jesse, and I think that is reflected in it, for good or ill.
I'm glad you enjoyed this story, and thank you. It is my primary goal to allow myself to be used by God.